基础 / 核心 课程 Basic/Core Courses
1. 哲学基础 (Fundamentals of Philosophy) 2. 人与管理的哲学与社会维度 (Philosophical and Social Dimensions of Man and Management) 3. 高级统计学 (Advanced Statistics) 4. 高阶研究方法 (Advanced Research Methods) |
专业 / 主修 课程
Professional/Major Courses
1. 全球管理领导力 (Leadership in global management)2. 酒店投资管理
(Investment management in hospitality) |
Integrative courses: elective/cognates
(Ethics as applied in international hospitality management) 2. 酒店管理中的领导原则 (Leadership principles in hospitality management) 3. 高级人力资源管理 (Advanced human resource management) 4. 国际酒店管理 (International hospitality management ) 5. 酒店行业的法律问题 (Legal aspects of hospitality business) 6. 管理信息系统在酒店业中的应用 (Management information system applied to hospitality industry) 7. 酒店营销与推广 (Hospitality marketing and promotion) 8. 人力资源开发研讨会 (Seminar in human resource development) 9. 菲律宾商业环境研讨会 (Seminar in Philippine business environment)
论 文
(Dissertation 1-fundamentals of dissertation writing and title proposal) 2. 论文 2- 准备与预先口头答辩 (Dissertation 2-prearation and per-oral defense) 3. 论文 3- 数据分析,评估与最终答辩 (Dissertation 3- Data Analysis, Evaluation and final defense)