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CORE COURSES: 核心课程(9 units)

PHL 821 - Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas  圣托马斯·阿奎那哲学

PHL 822 - Philosophy of Human Person  人类哲学

PHL 823 - Philosophy of Values  价值哲学

SPECIALIZATION: 专业课程 (30 units)

LAW 801 - Estate Planning  遗产规划

LAW 802 - Insurance Law of the Philippines  菲律宾保险法

LAW 803 - International Business and Economic Laws  国际商业和经济法

LAW 804 - Criminal Justice  刑事司法

LAW 805 - Administrative Law Reform  行政法改革

LAW 806 - Constitutional Law Reform and Bill of Rights  宪法法律改革和权利法案

LAW 807 - Church and State Relations  教会和国家关系

LAW 808 - Civil Law Reform and the Family Code  民法改革和家庭法

LAW 809 - Air and Outer Space Law: Law and Political Aspects  航空和外层空间法:法律和政治方面

LAW 810 - Human Rights  人权

LAW 811 - International Relations with Asia  与亚洲的国际关系

LAW 812 - Law on Intellectual Property  知识产权法

LAW 813 - Criminal Law Reform  刑法改革

LAW 814 - Remedial Law Reform  补救性法律改革

LAW 815 - Probation and Parole and Restorative Justice  缓刑、假释和恢复性司法

LAW 816 - UNCLOS and the New Baseline Law of the Philippines  《海洋法公约》和菲律宾新的基线法

LAW 817 - Anti- Money Laundering Law and other similar laws (R.A. 9160)  反洗钱法和其他类似法律(R.A.9160)

LAW 818 - Maritime Law: Issues, Challenges and Implications  海商法:问题、挑战和影响

LAW 819 - Protection of the Ancestral Domains of Indigenous Communities  保护土著社区的祖先领地

COGNATE: 同源课程 (6 units)



Foreign Language (6 units); 外语

Written Comprehensive Examination  笔试综合考试
Dissertation Writing I (Proposal Writing)  论文写作一(提案写作) (6 units)
Dissertation Writing II (Research Colloquium)  论文写作二(研究座谈会) (3 units)
Dissertation Writing III (Final Defense)  论文写作三(最终答辩) (3 units)

Total = 57 Units